- Attention grads, the school-based scholarship and bursary applications are due TODAY!! They must be handed in to the office by 3pm today.
- Respect Records and Skate is sponsoring an all-ages punk show tomorrow at the Elks Hall starting at 6:30pm featuring 4 local bands including “20 Willow” and “The Racket”. There will also be an art show with SOSS artwork on display. The price at the door is only $10! Come out and have some fun.
- Yoga Club is back at SOSS!! Anyone who is interested is asked to connect with Mrs. Stopa at some point today.
- Footloose tickets are selling fast! You will not want to miss this show. Get them at the Venables theatre or at the library. Get your tickets today!
- All Grads please come to the library right after the announcements. We are having a quick class meeting to give you all a chance to vote on the new grad trip.