Announcements December 17, 2024




  1. Any Term 1 art students who haven’t picked up their artwork from Mrs. Kingsfield please do so before the winter break


  1. Congratulations to the Jr. Girls Basketball team as they lost by a basket in the final game in Princeton on the weekend. The girls played great. Shout out to Maya who scored 30 points in the second game and was our tournament all-star. 


  1. The Math Passions Club is excited to host a special presentation on Astronomy during our next meeting! Grab your lunch and join us this Wednesday at lunch in room 122 to explore the fascinating world of Astronomy and its connections to mathematics and STEM. Whether you're a club member or just curious about the topic, all are welcome to attend and learn. See you there! 


  1. DnD is cancelled this week.


  1. Boys group Wednesday at 12:45, dress for outside and bring water and lunch 


  1. Grade 12’s - It’s time to vote for the dinner and dessert you want at Prom. Check your SOSS Grads 2025 Team for the link. The survey closes this Friday, December 20th so make sure you submit your vote this week! 


  1. This is a reminder to remove all food from your lockers by Thursday! No science experiments in January! 


  1. The grade 8 girls and boys basketball teams travelled to Summerland last night to play the Rockets. Although the girls played with heart, they were unable to come out with a win, but the boys dominated and were victorious.