- Have you ever felt like a bird? Weightless as you fly through the sky and darting in and out of trees? Do you want to?......
The 1st semester ski trip is now open to all students in the school! Pick up forms at the PE office. The trip will be filled on a first come first served basis as there are limited spots available. Which means, you need to have paid and completed the forms correctly for them to be collected. You may hand them in only at the PE office to a PE teacher. There are no exceptions. Forms handed into the office will not be accepted. See Mr. Russo if you have any questions.
- Sr. Girls volleyball – jerseys need to be handed into Mr. Burns this week. If you don’t get them in ASAP ... you’re cut!
- Grads – there is a Prom Committee meeting today at lunch in Room 109B.
- Grade 8 girls basketball practice today after school in the small gym.
- Any Term 1 art students who haven’t picked up their artwork from Mrs. Kingsfield please do so before the winter break (please read until next Friday)