Announcements June 19, 2024




  1. Today in the Caf it is free school wide lunch provided by the Indigenous Department along with the help of the Caf class to celebrate National indigenous People’s Day on June 21st. 
  1. Grade 11’s... this is the last week to order your Grad HoodiesThe deadline to order is this Friday. You do not want to miss out on walking in the doors next September with your Grad Hoodies on! 


  1. All art students that would like their artwork back please come to the art room before the end of Friday to collect it


  1. There is an important information meeting for all students playing field hockey next school year today at lunch in Mrs. Langs science room. 


  1. Go Skateboarding day is this Friday, June 21st! Come to the Oliver Small Wheels Park at 5:00PM Friday. There will be contests! Draws! Prizes! Check out Skateboard Art made by SOSS Students. Thanks to Respect Record and Skate for hosting. 


  1. Any students from Mr. Basso’s Social Studies classes who would like to collect their artwork, please see Mrs. Koffler in the office by Friday, June 21st. 


  1. Ms. Martins grade 8 Food Studies had their final Chopped Pizza Challenge yesterday, and there were impressive creations. Congratulations to third place winners with their Smores pizza, going to Jocelyn Prudhon, Arwyn Simard, Mikayla Toft Garcia and Emily Webb, 2nd place to Kitchen #6 with their Deluxe Supreme pizza made by Lacey Boswell, Leeland George, Armaan Gill and Annie Wellman-Hillstad and first place going to Kitchen #2 with their Nebula Bannock pizza going to Dallas Crawford, Leanna Moran, Stephanie Morse and Sasha Zeeman. Special thanks to judges Gracie Stagg, Trent Stopa and AJ Gludovatz. Well done grade 8s on your delicious pizzas!  


  1. If you have lost your wallet in the past month, please stop by the office to claim! 


  1. Airpods were found on the mini bus, stop by the office to identify! 


  1. School wide breakfast tomorrow morning. It will be the last one of this school year so bring your appetites!!