Announcements February 28, 2023


Wednesday February 28, 2024 

  1. Attention boys trying out for the Jr and Sr Ultimate team for the upcoming season. Tryouts will continue today at 3:30. Jr boys will go to the field at Oliver Parks and Recreation. Sr. Team will go to OES field. Show up a bit earlier to begin your warmup. Make sure to bring cleats and appropriate clothing for the conditions. See you on the pitch  


  1. Europe Trip participants, MOVIE DAY is happening today after school. Check the Teams Chat for details and “like” the message if you’re planning to attend. See Mrs. Stopa or Mrs. G if you have any questions. There will also be a meeting on Friday at lunch in the library.  


  1. Reminder to the Grade 7 Mentor group, there is a quick meeting after school today. Meet Mrs. Stopa in Room 907. 


  1. Attention Volleyball players. The first volleyball day is next Wednesday!!  Not Today!   If you want to play, there will be a pick-up game in the small gym next week at lunch and every Wednesday after that.  Make sure you have appropriate gym shoes.  See Mr. Willms if you have questions. 


  1. Oliver Ambassador meeting today at 12:15 in the library for all interested.  Hope to see you there. 


  1. ATTENTION GRADS!!  Scholarship applications are due TODAY  Get your applications from the office or on-line and make sure they are handed into Mrs. Koffler in the office by no later the 2:30pm today. No late applications will be accepted.  Also Check your Teams! Your Crossing the stage and Yearbook write-ups are also due today. 


  1. Attention all Soccer Girls, gr.8-12, there is a practice today at 3pm on the top field. Please dress warm with layers.