Thursday December 8, 2022.
- Snack Shack is open every day! Come on down for a snack from 9:45 – 9:55
- THE ELF ON THE SHELF IS BACK! If you see the Elf, be the fourth person to send a photo to Gina Houle, via teams, and win a prize! Good luck and get looking!
- If you’re in grade 8 or 9 and are interested in playing board or card games at lunch, sign up in the counselling office. If there’s enough interest, Mr. Willms will sponsor a TABLE games club! Battleship, Chess, Checkers, and Cards are some options.
- Attention SOSS...a reminder to all students that you are NOT to have your parents drop you off or pick you up in the back parking lot. There have been some very bad driving situations lately. you are to get dropped off either on Spartan Street or in front of the school. Please remind your parents of this.
- Tomorrow the Gathering room is hosting its Annual free Holiday lunch, open to the whole school. Fry bread and deer burger soup and Vegetarian chili will be served. Please join us at Lunch on Friday. We will be accepting cash donations for the SOSS Christmas store if you are able to do so.
- Christmas Spirit week is next week! Monday is PJ day, Tuesday is Jersey Day, Wednesday is toque and mitten day, Thursday is Christmas Sweater Day and Friday is Festive Day.
- Senior Girls and Junior girls basketball please meet at lunch in room 104.
- Elbow bumps are back! Has someone you know displayed generosity, risen to a challenge, met a goal, put in a huge effort for something, taken care of others, or gone above and beyond in any way? Why not let them know how much you appreciate them or their efforts by giving them an Elbow Bump? See Ms. Smith or Mr. Burns to give an elbow bump today!
- Now for our Library Advent Calendar Task. Today we want you to make a unique Christmas Tree Ornament for our Book Tree. The best and most unique ornament will win the advent calendar prize.
- Field hockey players are reminded to drop by Mrs. Lang’s room with a toonie and to sign an important thank you card.