Friday January 14 , 2022.
- SAGA is meeting at lunch today in the drama room. Everyone is welcome to join!
- If you have fun song suggestions for the announcements, please see Mrs. Wolfe in the library.
- Today in the Caf it is Pizza Day and Monday will be Beef Burritos and Red Pepper Corn Chowder.
- The deadline to order Grad hoodies is today at Noon. You can order online or come to the office to get a hardcopy of the form. You can also find it on the CLC Teams page.
- SOSS Scholarship and Bursary applications are now available. Grads can find the application in Teams and on the school website. Applications are due back to the office by March 1st.
- Elbow bumps are back. If someone deserves recognition for being kind, awesome, etc, please let the office know. Mrs. Silbernagel can you please see Mr. Burns after announcements.