Announcements April 20, 2021


Tuesday April 202021 



  1.  Ultimate Frisbee practice today after school from 3:00 – 4:30pm. 


  1. Tomorrow in the Caf it will be Beef Dips and Cream of Mushroom Soup. 
  1. The Elbow Bump Campaign continues. If you would like to give someone an elbow bump, please see Ms. Smith or Mr. Heinrichs to make a plan to Elbow Bump someone that you think is deserving. It can be for anything and everything that is awesome.  If someone is making a positive effort in class or just being all around fantastic, please see Ms. Smith or Mr. Heinrichs so that we can celebrate these amazing people.  Everyone in the building is invited to share in this campaign to celebrate and recognize the awesomeness happening around us everyday! 


  1. Attention all students; the year book needs more pictures!  Do you have some fun pictures of you and your friends on your phone?  Share them with us at the yearbook page on the school website.  If you need help uploading your pictures we can help you in the library!