Announcements March 4, 2021


Thursday,  March 32021 


  1. Some of you may be aware that there has been a campaign of Elbow Bumps happening in the school. These Elbow Bumps are all about taking a moment to recognize positives happening in our building. Up until now Mr. Heinrichs and Ms. Smith have received nominations from SOSS adults for students that they believe have done something bump worthy. We have celebrated things like great test results, improvements in class engagement, random acts of kindness, a great attitude or effort in class, adding to the learning environment, etc. This is where it gets fun...if YOU have someone in this building that you would like to give an elbow bump to, send a message to Ms. Smith or Mr. Heinrichs and we will help you to make this elbow bump happen! 
  1. Homework Club is in the Gathering Room from 2:45pm-4:00pm, all are welcome!  


  1. All students you are please asked to go into Teams and take the technology survey.  This survey will help with the districts decisions on where to go with future technology. 


  1. Today in the Caf the Entrée will be Chicken Laksa noodle bowl and the soup will be Thai Coconut Currey.