Announcements November 19, 2020


 Thursday,  November 19, 2020 



  1. The Student Voice Club is doing a survey next week about their new merch. They want to know what SOSS merch items are the most popular.  Then, if you think you might buy something, stay tuned for more information about ordering SOSS merch.      (Please repeat until the 24th. Thank you) 


  1. Kilometer Klub runs after school today. Meet outside the main gym @ 3:00pm. 


  1. Grads… Your Meat fundraising forms along with money are due Friday.  All forms and money MUST be turned in FRIDAY. 


  1. Students and staff using the doors by the gym are reminded to use the hand sanitizer when they enter or exit the building.   The School is exploring the closure of the gym exit doors until 8:20. 


  1. Photo re-takes are available in the Library. 


  1. All grade 8 girls that are interested in playing basketball, there will be a practice tomorrow in the main gym from 3pm to 4:30.  Make sure to bring proper gym shoes and strip. 


  1. For the Talent Show, Cohorts will enter thorough the outside side stage door.   Each cohort will be called down when it is their time.