Monday June 17, 2019

  1. Thanks to everyone who has shared the BCAA PlayHere links with their families. We have one more week to go – let's make sure we keep our skatepark in the top three and win the $100,00!  


  1. A reminder to all semester 2 art students – you need to pick up all your artwork by the end of the day today. Anything left behind that hasn’t been spoken for will get recycled. 


  1. Today in the caf there are Chicken Burgers, Fish Burgers and Veggie Burgers and tomorrow is Gazpacho Soup and Pulled Pork. 


  1. Please be advised students and staff that the last day of cafeteria service is Wednesday June 19th.  This closure includes the Friday Pizza as well.  Please ensure that you bring a lunch starting June 20th. 


  1. Attention Work Experience Students:  Your work experience paperwork is due next Wednesday, June 19th.  


  1. Running Club after school on top field. 


  1. Grads – Today is your last opportunity to buy tickets for the grad dinner.  Please be sure to stop by to see Mrs Andrews no later than 2:45 today to confirm your attendance for the dinner and or purchase guest tickets.  No drops ins for dinner will be accepted. 


  1. Grad ceremony tickets will also be available today for grads to pick up.  Please see Mrs. Andrews in the office. 


  1. Grade 11 students that are not currently taking Math and have not taken the numeracy assessment will need to sign up for this assessment with Mrs. Andrews. There is a list of highlighted names on the Quiet Room window if you are not sure if you need to write or not. Please see Ms. Smith with any questions.  


  1. Reminder to students that received awards to please come to the library to pick up your awards.  There are lots of them left.  Come and pick them up!! 


  1. Reminder to get your NBN Basketball Camp registrations in to Mr. Basso as soon as possible.  There are early registration draws if you hand in your forms by June 20th.   One prize is a night at the Walnut Beach Resort and dinner for two.  The other prize is a helicopter ride.  If you need a registration form, see Mrs. Wilkinson in the library. 


  1. Please be advised that all library books are due back tomorrow, June 18th.  Please return as soon as possible.  All textbooks can be returned to the library once you are finished with them. 


  1. Anyone who was involved in setting up, cleaning up or performing for the Café Français last week is invited to Room 203 for some treats during lunch. See you then!! 


  1. “The Field Hockey team and students who are interested in playing field hockey in September are meeting in Mrs. Lang’s room on Tuesday at lunchtime to receive their fall schedules.” 


  1. Students who signed up for the badminton tournament, will be playing right after school tomorrow in the gym. 


  1. The snack shack will only be at the main location by the gym today. 


  1. There are msgs in the office for Victoria Schleuter, Andrew Teigen, Brooke Fuller  and Graham McKee.