- Remember to bring your money on Monday to buy your Mom a Mother’s Day plant. Don’t wait until the last minute. Purchase some plants from the Biology 11 class, they have the gift that keeps on giving – Basil and tomato plants. Limited quantities with maximum quality. Prices are $3 for 1 plant, $5 for 2 plants, The best deal ---$6 for 3 plants. Come to the Science lab on Monday at lunch to purchase your plants.
- Any students who would like to perform at the multicultural assembly on May 15 please see Mrs. Pod ASAP. We are looking for music, dance, poetry or any other multicultural performance you may have.
- Reminder to all students and staff – MONDAY for our extended CORE we ask that you wear your CORE Team Shirt… Thank you
- Students going on the trip to Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside – Remember your permission slips are due to Ms. Riordan today. Also remember the parent meeting on Monday, May 6th at 7:00pm in the library.
- Today in the caf for lunch we will be having Pizza by the slice $2.50/slice and Monday is Chicken Tortilla Soup and Taco Salad.
- For any past EPIC students that are still interested in ordering an EPIC hoodie, you need to bring your money to Mr. Baptiste today, as they will be ordered next week.
- The Sexual and Gay Alliance Club (aka SAGA) is meeting in Ms. Shione’s room at lunch today. Everyone is welcome! Bring your lunch and come hang out.
- A reminder to any grads who are applying for the District Authority Scholarship that your applications are due to Mrs. Andrews in the office no later than 2;45 today.
- Would the following students please see Mrs Andrews in the office – Sophia Fryer, Freya Ware, Sam Sampson, Sarah Stanley, Karlee Crampton, Mercedes Benz, and Susannah Cachola
- If there are any grads who have not submitted their Legion Scholarship application, would you please stop by the office to see Mrs. Andrews ASAP
- Would the following grads please see Mrs Andrews in the office Brendon Somerville, Abby Teigen, Shayla Griffith, Thomas Morell, Rylan Laranjo, Rebeckah Somerville and Shawn Hiibner
- Would the following students please see Ms. Jones in the office: Kayleigh Antunes, Justice Baptiste, Julia Gagnon, Stephanie Matevia, Shelby Smith, and Markus Swift.
- The Hornets Ultimate frisbee team had their first match against Pen High last night. Our rookie squad held their own against a more experienced team but learned much in a well fought defeat. The team has a rematch with Pen High on Thursday next week. Fans please come out and support our athletes!