- There will be a costume contest on October 31st (Halloween). Anyone in a costume can participate. There will be single, pair and group categories. If you would like a song to be played for your costume, there is a sign-up sheet in the Library.
- The junior girls volleyball team has their home tournament this Friday and Saturday. The girls play on Friday at 2pm in the big gym, 4pm in the small gym, and again at 7pm in the big gym. Their schedule on Saturday depends on how they finish in their pool on Friday but will be playing throughout the day from 9am-2pm regardless. Come out and cheer on our Hornets!
- Students who are submitting an entry for the Legion essay, poem, poster contest are reminded the deadline is Wednesday, November 14. All entries must be at the office by this day. If you have not received an entry form, please pick one up from your teacher or the office.
- SOSS is hosting the AA Valley Field Hockey Playoffs tomorrow. Good luck to our SOSS girls playing in the semi-final at 9:00am!
- Meeting for anyone interested in Odyssey of the Mind Creative Critical Thinking Club meet in Mr. Basso’s room at break today.
- Today in the Caf it is Pizza Day and Monday will be Mac & Cheese and Tomato Basil Soup.