Have a safe and fun Spring Break Hornets!
Southern Okanagan Secondary School Home

Student Learning Survey
This survey gathers information from parents, teachers and students on topics related to school environment, safety, and achievement. The information is used for planning in individual schools and provides a district and provincial perspective. We appreciate your time in filling this out.

Footloose The Musical
Thank you to the cast and crew of Footloose The Musical! A huge thank you to our community for supporting our school and our young talent. See you again next year for another amazing show.

Course Selection is Open!
The Course Offerings Booklet has now been posted for viewing. See this link for the steps to take in selecting your courses for next year.

PAC Green Fundraiser
Backyard Microgreens is donating part of the proceeds of their "Micro Variety 4 Pack" sold, to the SOSS PAC. Order information is available here. Thank you for your support. Order link https://backyardmicrogreens.com/

Tickleberry's Fundraiser
Help our grade 9 students raise funds for their trip to Gardom Lake with an order from Tickleberry's.

Basketball Season
Please see our Basketball Team pages for team rosters and schedules. Come out and support our Hornets!